Welcome to Learning For Life's Spring Newsletter

It has been an exciting few months and, as always, we've received an overwhelming amount of support from our friends and supporters. To all those who participated in the Santa Run, to everyone who is taking part in the London Marathon, Prudential Ride or the British 10k to raise money for LfL, we are truly grateful for your generosity. We simply could not deliver the life changing projects to children and communities in South Asia without you, so a big THANK YOU from everyone at LfL.
Although we are all extremely grateful for your ongoing commitment, we are always in need of further help to ensure that we can continue our work providing and supporting education and healthcare for disadvantaged communities throughout South Asia. We are looking forward to our upcoming events and hope to see many of you there.
Thank you for supporting Learning for Life!
Watch our new Video… ‘ Floating School – a Learning for Life Success Story in Bangladesh’
LfL supporter and Marathon runner Tom Fish recently visited Bangladesh and produced a new film about our Floating School projects, a Learning for Life Success Story in Bangladesh. During the monsoon season, children cannot attend school and communities cannot access healthcare facilities because their villages are completely cut off from mainland services by flooding. Our two Floating Schools provide quality education for 500 children, aged 6-14, and 100 young people, aged 13-18. A health service is also available throughout the day to provide ante and post natal care for mothers and babies. In the evenings, the floating schools act as a community resource centre serving 150,000 members of the target population with health and social awareness programmes to improve their health-seeking behaviour and to encourage them to practise their human rights and access government services.
A big thank you to Tom Fish for producing this video for Learning for Life. Watch the new film HERE.

We need your support to continue changing children's lives...
To make a regular donation please sign up to become a direct debit donor by clicking HERE
You can also donate online by clicking HERE
£8 could pay for a child's school uniform and educational materials
£25 could pay for occupational skills training for one parent
£40 could provide vocational training for one young person
£80 could cover maternal health care for one new mum
You can also donate £5 or £10 via text. Text 'LEFL13' followed by the amount to 70070.
e.g. LEFL13 £10 or £5

We are delighted to have 7 runners running for Team Learning for Life in this year's Virgin Money London Marathon, including our very own Patron Dan Doherty.
They will be running an amazing 26 miles to raise funds for Learning for Life. You can show your support for our marathon runners and #TeamLFL by donating HERE or by taking a look at their profiles and donating to their fundraising pages HERE
If you want to come along on the big day itself and cheer our runners on, please contact Fenola@learningforlifeuk.org for further details.

Raise Money for LfL When You Shop Online
If you do just one thing today, please take one minute to sign up by clicking HERE with Give as You Live at
Give as You Live is a fantastic initiative that raises money every time you shop online at no extra cost to you. All you have to do is sign in and download Give as You Live onto your computer. Once it is downloaded, websites such as Amazon, Ocado, iTunes, John Lewis, and thousands more will recognise that you have been directed to their website through Give as You Live, and will pay a small amount of commission which will then be donated as valuable funds to Learning for Life, at no extra cost to you. Sign up today!
Learning for Life
31 Theobalds Road
Registered charity in England & Wales. 1105277